The Positive Psychology Coaching Program.

This is my flagship Positive Psychology program, which enhances the coaching process by using evidence-based strategies from the science of positivity.

This program shows you how positive emotions can be enhanced, maintained, and used to boost you into a life rich with value and meaning.

Coaching is personal, which means that this program is tailored to your specific objectives. However, each week I will give you specific tools, information and exercises to enhance your progress.

Here’s some of what you can expect:

Week 1: “The Pull of the Future”

In this session, we will establish where you want your coaching to take you, and then harness the techniques of positive psychology to set you on your way.

Week 2: “Overcoming the Negativity Bias”

By understanding the function of positive emotions, we are able to see how they increase our resilience and functioning. Learn how to apply findings from the “Broaden and Build theory of positive emotions”, to complement the progression towards your goals.

Week 3: “Positive Emotion Regulation”

There are proven methods to increase and maintain positive emotion. I’ll show you what is meant by emotion regulation, and give you clear strategies to maintain positive emotional states.

Week 4: “Know your Character Strengths”

The 24 VIA Character strengths give us a detailed picture of everything that is great about us, and a vocabulary with which to zoom in on, and develop, our best attributes.

Week 5: “Eudaimonia – Living the good life”

It’s not all about just feeling good. True well-being involves committing to activities based on our values, even if it feels uncomfortable and challenging. Understand your Values and how to use them as the anchor for your success.

Week 6: “Controlling the narrative”

We’re defined by the stories that we tell ourselves. As we overcome our negativity bias, understand our strengths, and achieve our goals, is there a new, more empowering story we can consider?

Interested in what coaching can do for you?

Contact me today to book a free 30 minute discovery session

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